In my last blog I discussed V. V. S., Vertical Video Syndrome. Hopefully, you read the blog and are now cured of this terrible disease. This time out I want to address the invasion of mobile phones and tablets that are popping up in droves from invited guests at Wedding Ceremonies.
Yes, cell phones and tablets are now making more and more brides unhappy with their Wedding Photos and Wedding Videos because these devices are interfering with the hired professional photographers and videographers from doing their jobs. For the past few years we’ve seen more and more cell phones popping up and out from the wedding guests into the aisle as the bride makes her entrance. For professional photographers and videographers, this is one of the most important “key shots” of the ceremony. We professionals do not want these shots blocked by guests brandishing their mobile devices. So guests, believe it or not, will actually step out from the seating area and into the aisle and stand there taking her own pictures and/or video blocking the hired professionals from getting this “key shot”.
The bride and groom and their families have paid a lot of money for the professional photographers and videographers to get all the great shots and video of their Wedding Day and most importantly, their Wedding Ceremony. They do not want these images ruined by their “rude” guests. Eighteen months ago, we here at Video Adventures, changed all that.
Now, when we sit down with our brides and grooms in our initial meeting, I bring up this subject. I explain to them what has taken place in recent years with the additional function with these mobile devices ability to take pictures and video. Many wedding guests think they have free reign to do their own thing and stick their cell phone out into the aisle or way above the guests’ head to try and get a shot. Then, so many of them will continue taking pictures and video from their seats. They don’t realize that the video they shoot is going to be not very becoming. It will have bad sound and bad lighting in many cases, and shaky camera movement.
Once the bride and groom have heard about this concern of ours in trying to do the best job for them, 100% of them agree to our request. That request is very simple. No cell phones or tablets allowed during their Wedding Ceremony. Here’s how it happens.
The bride and groom ask their DJ or officiant to make the following announcement that goes something like this, “Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Bob and Susan’s Wedding Celebration. The bride and groom have requested their guests to please put away their cell phones and tablets and not take any pictures or video during the ceremony. They have hired professional photographers and videographers to do that job for them. And they would like you to watch and witness their wedding ceremony in the way they intended you to; live and not looking through your cell phone.”
Since we started requesting this of our brides and grooms, every single couple have agreed and every wedding ceremony since then we have not had any issues with guests cell phones sticking out into the aisle or up over their guests heads. It’s a win-win for everybody.
Should cell phones be banned from wedding? >> Click here to watch this video. <<
Amazing Website. Very much enjoyed reading.
I totally agree with you: cell phones and tablets make things really difficult for us. Also totally agree that vertical video makes no sense.